We are in position to implement industry 4.0 fourth industrial revolution associated with data automation and data exchange
India has a great scope and potential in manufacturing, given its demographic dividend and reasonably cheap labour. However, larger investments, upskilling of workforce and upgrading infrastructure are some of the areas where more work must be done.

– Safar Mohammad Khan,
General Manager, Sales & Marketing (HDD), Apollo Techno Industries
What are your views on making India as a global construction equipment manufacturing hub?
India has a great scope and potential in manufacturing, given its demographic dividend and reasonably cheap labour. However, larger investments, upskilling of workforce and upgrading infrastructure are some of the areas where more work must be done. More compliance is required to boost the manufacturing capability here in India. Main hurdles which India faces to emerge as a giant in manufacturing hubs are : Lack of skilled manpower in-spite of being the 2nd most populated country in the world. There is an urgent need to update the work process as well as working environment, in order to survive in this era of globalization. Many policies should be restructured, well managed and monitor by ‘Gati Shakti’ that is only a way we can make India as a giant manufacturing hub. Ministry of Commerce and Industry (GOI) should take initiative on policy matter, new compliance and better execution so that everything could be accomplished. Member of ‘Gati Shakti’ should be active in realistic and practical manner.
Give us details about your manufacturing facilities in India?
We have two manufacturing units based at 151, 152, 162, 163, GIDC Phase-1, Mehsana,Gujarat and other at Survey No-167, Ahmedabad-Mehsana NH-8, Mandali, Mehsana well equipped with world class in-house manufacturing facilities. Our workshop, assembly lines are having adequate lighting to perform the work safely. Sufficient ventilation are provided in the cutting and welding area. We have certain gadgets which controls the noise on the shop floor, several equipment have been fitted to get rid from the harmful dust, mist and fumes in our workshop. We adopt proper safety guidelines on the shop floor. We follow the sustainable manufacturing where it is found the creation of manufactured products through economically sound process that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources.
We are developing and manufacturing HDD machines (5 ton -160 ton), Piling rigs, Trencher, Soil Testing Machines, Mud Pumps (200 gpm,350 GPM, 400 GPM) under Apollo Techno Industries roof.
We as a manufacturer have accelerated the digital transformation journey by developing the new technologies, such as AI tools edge data lakes and IOT, New connectivity standards, advance analytics, and robotics are seen in our manufacturing capability.
How technologically advanced are your manufacturing facilities in India? Also, what are the safety features incorporated in these facilities?
We as a manufacturer have accelerated the digital transformation journey by developing new technologies, such as AI tools, edge, data lakes, IOT, new connectivity standards, advance analytics, and robotics in our manufacturing capacity in our all HDD Units. We are in position to implement industry 4.0 fourth industrial revolution associated with data automation, data exchange and digital technology. We are in rigorous transformation in our manufacturing capacity. Industry 4.0 and the digitalization will be well implemented in all our machines and will be executed machine maintenance too that will help us to make flexible in our manufacturing capacity.
Can you give us a brief about your employment strength in terms of contractual and payroll?
We nurture all employees abilities for both our contractual and payroll based employees so that they can complete their goals with ease. It includes the employees’ communication skills, technological proficiency, work ethic, problem-solving skills and much more. We also work on the work ethics which means to brush up the determination, commitment, and dedication towards the work.
What are your company’s initiatives in skilling and training?
We have an internal team for training and induction associated with our HR and Service team. Sometimes, we get trainer from our overseas operations also. We get some informative sessions from INDSTT, DCI and other PMC –Pipeline companies based on drilling specially for site planning, driller, tracker and other equipment arrangements on site. We are going to set up a full fledge training centre at Apollo Techno Industries, Bhopal. We do provide offsite and on-site training covering technical training, self development, behavioral management, safety related and leadership program at our factory, regional centers and onsite where machine runs.
How do you make use of robotics in your facilities?
We do use of robotics in our HDD manufacturing operations specially in material handling, processing operations, in assembly line and inspection too.
Robotics has changed how production is completed because robots are able to perform a task repetitively with precision tirelessly. Technology advancements have expanded the world of industrial robotic by creating robots that can do more than repetitive tasks.
Tell us on your export market and important initiatives to cater to the requirement of International market?
We have branch offices in Dubai, Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Netherland, Lebanon & Egypt. We are developing “R Series” for Export series followed by world class safety and quality parameters.
We are trying to cater USA , Middle east, Africa , European and as well as the Russian market through our dealer network and subsidiary group companies. More partners are invited to make our overseas presence across the world.
What are your future plans to cash-in the infrastructure boom in India?
We have prepared to develop and manufacture HDD rigs as per the market requirements by keeping the CGD in minds which is huge projects monitored by PNGRB. We are expected to launch many ambitious new series in the trenchless segment in India and abroad.
What is your focus?
Our main focus would be on development of various HDD Rigs options as per market requirement by keeping in mind of city gas distribution projects (CGD) for 525 Cities in India, monitored by PNGRB. We are also working on the competitive pricing policy without deteriorating the quality of rigs to compete china. We are also making organized the “rock drill” for laying gas pipeline in rocky terrain. Our ambitious project is to launch piling rigs also in upcoming times.
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