If the CE industry needs to grow in a right way, government needs to invest on industrial tourism.
Kamlesh Jain Managing Director, Indus Rock Tool What is your focus product this year in Ex Con? As far as Excon 2022, we come up with diesel portable compressors as a new product

– Kamlesh Jain
Managing Director, Indus Rock Tool
What is your focus product this year in Ex Con?
As far as Excon 2022, we come up with diesel portable compressors as a new product line added to our parent products which is an allied product line and we are targeting ourselves as a fourth organised national player offering diesel portable compressors to the country. So, till now the response seems to be very good. Although the waterwell is very down and market is very dull. But people are listening to us and they are showing interest and they are encouraging us. That sounds really good.
What are the features in your product?
We have two major changes in our diesel portable which nobody is having in the industry. The peer players have also not tried it. One was we were the first who came with electronic engines, CRS engines in compressor industry. I know sooner or later that is the future. So, I am very proud to say that last three years, we are using electronic engines for our diesel portable and today we are well equipped and well conversant. Tomorrow if emission norms come, we will be the most comfortable people to execute it.
What is the market size?
Market size is about 5000 units in a year. But then, a major part of about 1500 units which gets contributed from borewell, waterwell industry and that is a seasonal business. One year, it is on peak, it crosses 2000 units and one year, it doesn’t even touch 800 units. Waterwell business is that flexible. Otherwise mining and construction is a stable business. It is growing with an average 10-12% of annual growth. If I compare with other growing countries, the growth rate is little slow in India. But I think along with infra investment and infra growing this line will also grow. Probably, this will grow much faster than people move from diesel portable to electric portable. That cost effectiveness is there and availability of electricity as it improves in India slowly compressor market in India also grows with a faster rate.
What differentiates you from others players in the competition?
Overall compressor I don’t see there will be any great difference. There are different ratings of compressors. Based on customer requirements, you need to propose in a right rating of product. So, he will have efficient drilling with minimum fuel. As people get expertise on that, then you can advise a right product from your basket and customer gets advantage of it. It is a learning which keeps going.
What is the price factor?
We are at par with the industry and not cheaper as people expect. From day one, as you would have seen the product quality, we have not compromised on that. So, that is our USP. If I look at Nakoda as a company, we first tried to learn from customer, their requirements and then implement with help of engineering to give a solution. But we don’t compromise on product quality and we have patience to get respectable price of product.
You have been in the industry last 30 years. What do you feel what are the major changes that have happened in the industry and how machines have given productivity to boost core infrastructure growth?
I still feel we have a long way to go. We can appraise ourselves with technology. But then, I am of an opinion that yes, there are a lot of paining points and these are the things which need government intervention. Without that it cannot be addressed. I would like to give an example of exhibition. If the CE industry needs to grow in a right way, government needs to invest on industrial tourism. I dream that our honourable Prime Minister will come with this idea to have an independent department which talks about industrial tourism. Because unless and until infrastructure investment is initiated by the government, private players cannot do that because every private player needs return on investment. Government has to come forward and initiate that. Probably then, you will see lot of people are following up. I dream people have industrial tourism which is getting led by the government where government can plan for creating infrastructure, creating a world class exhibition platform where people feel proud to come, display and customers also feel comfortable to come and visit and enjoy technology and make value addition.
Government has tried with ‘Make in India’.
Yes, but ‘Make in India’ is to bring product manufacturing in India. I can see hell lot of pains in that today. We are talking about Make in India. I used to be a part of ‘Make in India’ campaign. I was one of those 1800 members who was there in Vigyaan Bhavan on Make in India program and I was one of the five people who was invited by Prime Minister office from Pune. I have experienced that. Those all sounds good, but then today ground level challenges are there. I want to expand my factory but I don’t get place. There is no land available. Once the land is there, there are hundreds of formalities that I need to do. Then, I have been delayed with my crusher manufacturing plant for 1.5 years because of government challenges and Covid is there and offices are closed.
What is your vision for your company?
If you talk about mission of my company is now, I just want to teach the next generation what I learned. That is all. If you talk about mission towards industry, I still want to work for next 10 years to give innovations, new products and want all of us to be proud being Indian. I will work hard for that. Every product we develop, we try to give solution against multinational. It is not an easy journey.
What is your strength?
We are 400 plus on paper and we are the best compliance company awarded by Crisil for last 7 years in MSME category. No default of any compliance. If you talk about employee part, taxation part, advance tax, GST, there is no default.
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