We have mobilized and trained 55000 people and we have got 810 certified trainers, 78 training partners and 39 job roles.
H.S. Mohan Chief Executive Officer Infrastructure Equipment Skill Council (IESC) What is your view on the role of skill development/operator training in CE operations and maintenance? Infrastructure Equipment requires two operators per machine & one Mechanic for around

What is your view on the role of skill development/operator training in CE operations and maintenance?
Infrastructure Equipment requires two operators per machine & one Mechanic for around 10-12 machines depending on the site conditions. As per the projections by ICEMA, the sale of equipment will be the tree times the current the No’s of approximately 80,000. Hence, it is estimated that over 4 lakh operators & mechanic is required annually to operate and maintain the machines by the year 2030. The deployment of operators does not have any regulations, hence the most sophisticated equipment is being operated by unskilled, untrained personnel compromising on safety, equipment optimum utilization, performance & up-time.
What is the current scenario of availability of skilled/certified equipment operators in India?
It is estimate that around 6 lakh machine are currently in operation. However, we cannot establish the correct data due to no regulation on the deployment and knowledge level without any formal certification. The job roles are non-aspirational with no road map on the career progression. The OEM’s do the basic training while commissioning the machine. However, no structured training is imparted for these high technology machines.
According to you, how are the skill development initiatives progressing in Indian CE industry? What are the challenges faced?
The Government of India spearheading the Skill India Program through the Ministry of Skilling and Entrepreneurship and with National Skill Development Corporation. Currently, there are 37 sector skill councils from different sectors promoted by the concerned Industry and the manufacturers. Major contribution from these sector skill councils is to re-skill, up skill and freshers training to meet the industry demand and to provide employment to the deserving candidates.
Industry needs to come forward to employ trained and certified personnel who are well aware of their job role and responsibilities to meet the job requirements. Industry should also invest on creating Centre of Excellence offering all necessary help in terms of capex and opex. This will benefit the industry itself & improve overall efficiency. Majority of the job roles created are in comparison with the international standards, which will pave the way for the candidates to seek employment abroad.
What are the latest initiatives from IESC in the official training & certification of CE operation & maintenance?
We have mobilised and trained over 55,000 candidates of which 85% of them have been placed. IESC has 810 certified trainers, 78 training partners, 39 job roles, covering 85% of the industry requirements and we are in the process of developing another 10 job roles against the requirement of the industry which includes machines like TBM. Horizontal Drilling, Cold Milling, Piling rig etc.
What are the steps needed to bridge the gap of demand-availability of skilled operators?
Mandate deployment of trained and certified personnel. Use CSR funding to promote skilling and establishment of COE’s. Reward the skilled personnel and motivate them.
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