Tag: Interview

Construction Equipment
The crane rental market is a niche industry and our team have a deep understanding of cranes and the market dynamics.

The crane rental market is a niche industry and our tea...

Andrei Geikalo, Founder and CEO, MyCrane Can you tell us about MyCrane and how i...

Construction Equipment
Gujarat has consistently been a pioneer in India for infrastructure development.

Gujarat has consistently been a pioneer in India for in...

V G Sakthikumar, Chairman and Managing Director, Schwing Stetter India Could you...

Construction Equipment
Gujarat has always been an important territory for Liugong India.

Gujarat has always been an important territory for Liug...

Nischal Mehrotra, Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing, LiuGong India What w...

Construction Equipment
At Ammann, we place a strong emphasis on sustainability practices, striving to integrate them into every facet of our operations.

At Ammann, we place a strong emphasis on sustainability...

Anand Sundaresan, Managing Director, AMMANN India What was your focus at Gujarat...

Construction Equipment
We offer a variety of customization options for our concrete equipment to meet specific customer needs.

We offer a variety of customization options for our con...

V G. Sakthikumar, Chairman and Managing Director, Schwing Stetter India What are...

Construction Equipment
Our Boom Lifts have played an instrumental role in several prominent tunnelling projects across India.

Our Boom Lifts have played an instrumental role in seve...

Rakesh Modi, Chairman, Mtandt Group How many different Boom Lifts does your comp...

Construction Equipment
Our machines are designed to meet the diverse needs of customers, focusing on performance, fuel efficiency, and equipment monitoring.

Our machines are designed to meet the diverse needs of ...

Satendra Tiwari, Head of Manufacturing Pithampur, CASE Construction Equipment H...

Construction Equipment
MMRDA employs various strategies and practices to ensure the continued smooth operation of metro rail services.

MMRDA employs various strategies and practices to ensur...

Dr. Sanjay Mukherjee, IAS Metropolitan Commissioner, MMRDA How does the authorit...

Construction Equipment
Our machines have been heavily involved in many metro projects across the country.

Our machines have been heavily involved in many metro p...

V.G. Sakthikumar, Chairman and Managing Director, Schwing Stetter India What are...

Construction Equipment
By prioritizing precision engineering and real-time insights, we ensure uninterrupted operations and minimal downtime for our TBMs.

By prioritizing precision engineering and real-time ins...

Umesh Srivastava, Director, Robbins Tunneling & Trenchless Technology (I) Mentio...

Construction Equipment
Terratec is a leader in designing TBMs capable of handling sharp curves along the alignment

Terratec is a leader in designing TBMs capable of handl...

Construction Equipment
CESL Training leads the way in cutting-edge operator skilling for the Construction Equipment Industry.

CESL Training leads the way in cutting-edge operator sk...

What kind of construction equipment operator training and skilling is provided b...