Our tires and tracks are built to withstand harsh conditions and heavy loads typical of construction and mining environments.

Our tires and tracks are built to withstand harsh conditions and heavy loads typical of construction and mining environments.

Rishab Shah
Business Development Manager, Ace Ventura Tyres And Tracks

What sets your company apart from other manufacturers in this field?

Ace Ventura Tyres and Tracks distinguishes itself in the industry by delivering superior quality and reliability in industrial tires and tracks. Our legacy brand, Acetrax®, is a hallmark of excellence, recognized globally for its superior quality.

With three decades of experience in the automotive industry, we’ve honed our expertise to offer a comprehensive range of industrial tires and tracks. Our industry knowledge allows us to understand and meet the unique needs of our customers effectively.

We are passionate about innovation and continuously push the boundaries to develop products that provide optimal solutions tailored to specific applications. Our tire profiles and materials are carefully chosen to meet precise performance expectations, ensuring the perfect fit for various equipment and needs.

As an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, Ace Ventura upholds rigorous quality management standards, guaranteeing excellence in all aspects of our operations. Our accreditations with reputed trade organizations underscore our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

What are the key performance characteristics that your tires and tracks offer for construction and mining equipment?

Our tires and tracks are built to withstand harsh conditions and heavy loads typical of construction and mining environments. The robust design ensures they can endure extensive wear and tear, providing a longer service life compared to standard tires. We offer 2 types of tyre options designed to meet your specific needs:

Solid Rubber Tyre & Wheel Assembly

The Solid Rubber Tyre & Wheel Assembly, branded as Acetrax®, is airless, ensuring they are puncture-proof, which eliminates downtime due to flats. These tyres have an extra deep tread that offers extended, uninterrupted service life, and their specially designed sidewall apertures provide excellent shock absorption and a comfortable ride. They come as ready-to-fit assemblies, making replacement straightforward. These assemblies are particularly suitable for industrial equipment operating at speeds up to 25 km/hr.

Foam Filled Tyre & Wheel Assembly

On the other hand, the Foam Filled Tyre and Wheel Assembly transforms traditional air-filled tyres into solid urethane rubber-filled tyres. This conversion maximizes vehicle efficiency by removing the risk of flats, blowouts and damage caused by improper maintenance. The foam-filled tyres do not require air, ensuring consistent inflation and performance across various conditions, thus reducing operational downtime.

Both tyre types offer robust solutions designed to enhance efficiency, reliability and longevity in demanding construction and mining environments.

How does your company approach sustainability in tire manufacturing, particularly in terms of materials used?

We are committed to sustainability. The manufacturing processes and materials are selected to minimize environmental impact, ensuring that the tires meet stringent environmental standards without compromising on performance. The production facilities are equipped with energy-efficient technologies to reduce carbon emissions.

What kind of support services do you offer to customers, both pre-sale and post-sale?

Our marketing approach ensures that we highlight the full spectrum of support services we offer, demonstrating our commitment to customer satisfaction and fostering long-term relationships.

Our customer service team is readily available to address any queries or concerns you may have post-purchase, ensuring continuous support. We actively seek and value customer feedback, using it to refine our products and services continually.

From your perspective, what are some of the current challenges and opportunities in the construction and mining equipment tire market?

Challenges in Construction and Mining Market: The construction and mining equipment tire market is heavily impacted by disruptions in the global supply chain, caused by factors such as geopolitical tensions, natural disasters, wars etc.

Availability of key raw materials like rubber and steel can be inconsistent, leading to production delays and increased costs.

Fluctuations in the prices of raw materials can lead to unpredictable manufacturing costs, affecting profit margins and pricing strategies.

Increased costs for shipping and logistics impact overall product pricing and delivery schedules.

Opportunities in Construction and Mining Market: Expanding into emerging markets with increasing construction and mining activities presents a significant growth opportunity.

Innovations in tire materials, such as the use of more durable and sustainable compounds can improve product longevity and environmental impact.

Forming strategic partnerships with OEMs and technology providers can lead to the co-development of innovative products and access to new markets.

Ace Ventura tyres and tracks focuses on application-specific, outcome-oriented products and solutions to empower machine owners and operators to extract peak performance from their equipment, even in the most demanding conditions. Our products are globally recognized and embraced for their outstanding performance and exceptional value.