Environment-friendly equipment are not only beneficial for the eco-system, but also for the construction equipment companies (CE) as it can reduce the overall cost of maintenance of the equipment. Realising this new trend, CE manufacturing companies are now focusing on

Environment-friendly equipment are not only beneficial for the eco-system, but also for the construction equipment companies (CE) as it can reduce the overall cost of maintenance of the equipment. Realising this new trend, CE manufacturing companies are now focusing on making green equipment that emit far lesser amount of smoke and render energy as well fuel efficiency.
With global warming emerging as the new buzzword and climate change problems causing growing concern among people worldwide, many industries are bolstering their efforts to become environmentally conscious; the Construction Equipment (CE) industry too isn’t far behind in this journey. According to a recent report of leading UK construction companies, around half of all non-renewables are consumed by construction, rendering it one of the least sustainable industries in the world. The CE Industry is hence bracing itself to adopt and reap the full benefits of sustainable technologies to boost its competitive advantage and improve its bottom line.
The growth of the Indian construction equipment industry has been on an upswing since last five years. This has been greatly propelled by the Government of India’s focus on infrastructure development. India is thus at the threshold of becoming one of the foremost developing countries in which infrastructure is growing at a fast pace, with highways being developed on a daily basis across the country. Given this great opportunity, deploying smart and sustainable construction equipment will increase demand for such machinery apart from assuring resources for the future.
Perhaps one of the biggest ways that the jobsite can become greener is with the equipment that is leveraged out in the field. Today’s construction equipment is highly connected. Construction companies have the capability to measure machine health, fuel consumption, productivity, cycle segmentation and more. Monitoring these parameters can help business lower cost and energy consumption.
As our environment is increasingly being threatened by the amount of pollution that is generated by the heavy Construction Equipment, construction companies are increasingly opting for environment-friendly and fuel-efficient equipment. Hence, more and more CE manufacturers are coming forward with green machines to make the environment pollution free. They are focussing on making CE which emit far lesser amount of smoke and offer great fuel efficiency. This is because CE is one of the leading contributors to dangerous diesel pollution. Hence, environment-friendly and fuel-efficient equipment are expected to see a boom in the coming years. There are quite a few changes that are being made in the CE to make them environmentally-friendly.
Ramesh Palagiri, MD & CEO, Wirtgen India Pvt Ltd, while speaking about the green commitment aspect in the construction equipment industry, said, “For the Wirtgen Group, sustainable technologies is not just a trend, but rather an integral part of our corporate principles. We incorporate sustainability into all of our business processes. Environmental considerations are given top priority right from the development and design phase of the Wirtgen Group’s products, and are a central element in all stages of the production chain – right through to the use of the machines in projects around the world. We know that the future belongs to climate-friendly products and so we already are manufacturing them today.”
Elaborating on the positive impact the proposed emission norms will have on the CE industry making it sustainable and green, Sandeep Mathur, Brand Leader at CASE India, said, “The government has announced a slew of norms to encourage the use of more environment friendly vehicles and equipment on & off the roads. A BSVI engine in terms of efficiency gives better performance and mileage. It will also reduce PM emissions, which is a main constituent for outdoor air pollution, by over 80% in diesel engine vehicles which benefits the environment. As mentioned before, the cost of implementing these norms will be on the higher side but we’ll be happy to invest in change that protects the environment and will be ready to shift to these emission norms as and when the government deems it necessary. We have also been recognized as a Global Sustainability Leader for several years in a row. The current circumstances which have restricted cash flow and movement for the CE industry have led the government to consider deferring the BS-VI emission norms.”
Sustainability is no longer an afterthought. It’s now a fundamental part of every construction process. And you think, why not? Saving the environment is very necessary. Thus, global warming and extreme weather conditions rising through various reasons is making the construction industry to rethink about the construction practices that they follow.
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