From Survey to successful execution EIRICH’s upgradation of Texmo Industries Sand Plant
Texmo is a global company whose presence in India dates to 1956. Texmo manufactures high quality, robust, and reliable pumps. In its portfolio, Texmo Industries has submersible pumps, monoblock pumps, and motors for the Domestic, Industrial, and Agricultural markets. Their pumps are renowned for their quality, and for supplying power and efficiency.

Texmo is a global company whose presence in India dates to 1956. Texmo manufactures high quality, robust, and reliable pumps. In its portfolio, Texmo Industries has submersible pumps, monoblock pumps, and motors for the Domestic, Industrial, and Agricultural markets. Their pumps are renowned for their quality, and for supplying power and efficiency.
In the existing plant at Coimbatore, Texmo has 3 Sand plants. Sand plant 1 & 2 uses DISA Horizontal moulding line with Eirich sand plant with RV-19 Mixer installed in 2007 and Sand plant 3 uses DISA Vertical moulding line with DCE sand plant with Eirich RV-15 Mixer installed in 2009.
Texmo decided to increase the capacity of their plant with new moulding line. This in turn called for higher capacity of green sand. Texmo evaluated the options to increase sand supply. The option was to replace RV15 with RV19 in Sand plant 2 or in Sand plant 3. When the company first decided on the upgrade in January 2020 they wanted to upgrade Sand plant 2 with RV-19 Mixer.
Eirich studied the layout and analyzed that the sand plant capacity was not sufficient, and it won’t be a good option to install RV-19 in Sand plant 2. Also looking at overall feasibility with regards to minimum changes in layout, down time, Eirich proposed that a change of Mixer in Sand plant 3 would be a better option.
After internal review, Texmo came up with the proposal to upgrade Sand plant 3 in April 2021 on turnkey basis with minimum down time, and structural changes. Also, they had to align the work with other stake holders.
Along with Sales team, Eirich’s Engineering and Service team visited the site for overall assessment and analysis for upgradation as well as to understand the timelines required for the successful execution of the project.
After the first round of visits, Eirich gave Texmo an offer along with details on modifications needed and time estimates. The Texmo team reviewed the document and asked for a detailed techno-commercial offer with commitment on timelines, shutdown time needed amongst other things.
Before submission of offer, Eirich did a joint assessment with the “probable local vendor” who would most likely do the modification job including erection. The table for “work and time study” was prepared and concurrence was received from customer also. Considering the importance, Eirich also has back-to-back arrangement with this vendor.
Eirich prepared two to three proposal layouts, discussed with Texmo team during site meetings and through conference calls explained their proposal in detail. They also gave key technical points- such as advantages and the equipment that needs to be changed or modified.
In May 2021 Eirich sent the commercial proposal, followed up continuously and submitted the civil structural drawings to the customer for approval. Eirich had given schedule for shut down initially for 50 days, but customer agreed only for 41 days. The layout plant suggested by Texmo’s structural consultant went through many revisions, sending the Eirich team back to the drawing board 8 times.
They wanted to complete the commissioning of RV19 plant in 7-8 Months from date of PO.
Texmo realized the value of Eirich’s strong technical competency and offer which really helped to win the confidence of Texmo Management and Project Team as well.
Eirich started negotiation and finally received LOI in September-2021.
Successful execution
After internal kick off meeting, Eirich started ordering of long lead items like brought outs and Import items in September, 2021
Eirich started preparing and scheduling the activity chart for Texmo & started offline activity like modification of existing equipment. Agreement was signed to supply equipment in February 2022 and supply by end of March.
Eirich started structural erection in December 2021 and completed by February 2022. There was some delay in civil work & ducting from customer side.
Eirich started dismantling of Mixer on 22nd February 2022 onwards. The sand cooler’s erection began on 28th February 2022.
Eirich RV19 Mixer erection commenced after March 7th and was completed on 11thMarch
All other modification works were completed at the same time.
Eirich completed erection and commissioning on 6th April, 2022.
Final commissioning certificate was received on 23rd April-2022.
The feasibility study commenced in July 2021 and in April 2022 the project was completed. After the feasibility study the site was formally handed over to Eirich on 21st February 21st 2022 and Eirich completed the project in record time by 6th April 2022.
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