The Make in India programme is very important for the economic growth of India as it aims at utilizing the existing Indian talent base.
SAFAR MOHAMMAD KHAN, General Manager- Sales and Marketing (HDD), Apollo Techno Industries How do you see the government’s ‘Make in India’ programme and mission motivating industry to participate in it? How is this helping the construction equipment sector and its

How do you see the government’s ‘Make in India’ programme and mission motivating industry to participate in it? How is this helping the construction equipment sector and its allied industries to improve its technological status and competitiveness in the global market?
‘Make in India’ is a major national programme of the Government of India designed to facilitate investment, the primary objective of this initiative is to attract investments from across the globe and strengthen India’s manufacturing sector. It is being led by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. The Make in India programme is very important for the economic growth of India as it aims at utilizing the existing Indian talent base, creating additional employment opportunities and empowering secondary and tertiary sector. The programme also aims at improving India’s rank on the Ease of Doing Business index by eliminating the unnecessary laws and regulations, making bureaucratic processes easier, making the government more transparent, responsive and accountable. foster innovation, enhance skill development, protect intellectual property and build best in class manufacturing infrastructure in the country. Government has made excellent structure and facilities which motivate everyone to participate into this. come and manufacture in India, go and sell in any country of the world. Various incentives schemes, financial structure, skill development programme, advisory have been launched and that is all on portal and government agencies.
The Indian construction equipment market was estimated at almost 5.6 billion U.S. dollars in 2021. The market is expected to grow by a compound annual growth rate of about eight percent between 2022 and 2027, reaching the size of nearly 9.4 billion U.S. dollars in 2027., It seems progressive as per the data.FDI inflow has been observed higher continuously year by year. In 2014-15, it was 45.1 $bn then 2015-16 it was 55.$bn then 2021-22 it was 83.5 $bn which shows a good FDI inflows after made in India launch which was done in is expected to have 100 $bn in coming 2 years. PLI has been implemented in 14 sectors including the CE industry and off course it has made a good competitive advantage for the strategic growth sector. Indian industry especially MSME has taken a good boost. National Single window systems (NSWS) has opened a quicker platform to minimize the down time. This makes the improvement of ease of business. Safety systems and other innovative technological up gradations have been followed by us in equipment sector here in India that causes high exports ration also. We have got 10% high export than last year and it is expected 25% will be in the upcoming financial year (2023-24)
Foreseeing the government’s strong commitment and stable sentiments in the market, how do you evaluate your company’s growth in the coming years?
It has been certain uncontrolled type of challenges observed but we have got many Govt. policy benefits. PLI has given good drive to manufacturers. National single window systems (NSWS) will be more productive as it is well reviewed and implemented by government officials. GATI SHAKTI will improve more systematic infrastructure in near future. FDI inflows will be more and would be around 100 $bn in 2023-24 so we are seeking growth rate about 20-30% higher than last financial year.
What are your views on making India as a global construction equipment manufacturing hub?
India’s role of participation in global trade is still low that is because of competitiveness. We have observed weak global demand for our equipments. Although, FDI, PLI and other schemes have been well executed in India where all manufacturers are benefitted. We are hoping positively for the good growth rate in near future. We will get momentum on good global trade. Exchange rate is very low but thinking that will be controlled in near future. NSWS will boost the favorable manufacturing environment here in India. We have planned to manufacture HD, Gen-2, RD series of Apollo HDD Rigs here at our Mehsana plant. Some Chinese companies have started to set up manufacturing unit in Chennai. FDI inflows are raising high year by year. So, for sure, India is going to become a manufacturer hub in near future.
Tell us on your export market in the trenchless technologies sector and important initiatives to cater to the requirement of International market?
We are getting good market share in Middle East, exported many numbers in Russia, exploring the Africa market, Setting up all the infrastructure in United States. We have segmented the rigs according to the world geography. We are launching HD series, RD series, Generation 2, according to the requirement covering the International market. Our projection is to make 30 % market growth in the International market (FY 2023-24).
Give us an understanding of your company’s performance in the last 3 years?
We have got 27% growth in 2022-23 if we compare with the last 2021-22 and would be exponentially rising year by year. We had bad performance in business growth in 2020-21 due to covid 19. Since, we have developed many series in HDD machines like HD Series, Generation 2, RD series with more models in near future. Technically, we are upgrading all our equipments in the form of pulling force, thrust force, torque even. Motor arrangements are moreover will be upgraded in HD Series which will ensure the higher specification in machine. More developments are there with us so the projection of business would be positively high. Our target is to make 30% growth in this 2023-24 financial year.
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