Sagarmala program which started in 2015 has now resulted in completion of more than 200 projects in 7 years.
Rajesh Anand Menon AVP, Invest India (Policy & Projects), Sagarmala, Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways, Govt of India What are some of the key priority areas and policies which will have a significant impact on the construction industry?

– Rajesh Anand Menon
AVP, Invest India (Policy & Projects), Sagarmala, Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways, Govt of India
What are some of the key priority areas and policies which will have a significant impact on the construction industry?
Development in the Connectivity Infrastructure be it by Road or Rail have been identified as the critical enabler to enhance Our trade volumes, create ease of doing business and above all reduction in our logistic cost. In the Sagarmala Program prime multiple road and rail connectivity projects have been taken for implementation. The objective is to ensure that all ports in India are well connected by Road and Rail. . Accordingly strenuous efforts are being made not only to complete existing projects but also in identifying connectivity gaps and develop new projects. In order to enhance the project management for faster completion of the projects, GoI has initiated the Gati Shakti program which will break the departmental silos of decision making and create a faster decision making process resulting in early completion of projects.
On 13th October 2021, the PM of India launched the Rs 100 Lakh Crore National Master plan for multi modal connectivity which includes road and rail connectivity projects. This funding will help the implementing agencies for faster project initiation which will result in an increased demand for related construction equipment with a significant impact on the industry.
Tell us about the phase-wise development plan of Sagarmala project?
The Sagarmala Program is structured over four pillars.
- Port Modernization and New port development
- Port Connectivity enhancement
- Port linked industrialization
- Coastal community development
- Coastal Shipping and Inland waterways.
Currently, there are 802 Projects under the program and 203 projects completed. Out of the projects 101 projects have been taken up as Gati Shakti projects to be planned for completion by 2024. The implementing agencies like State Maritime Boards and major ports identifies new projects and seek approval for Sagarmala funding from the Central government where 50% of the project cost is funded. Sagarmala program which started in 2015 has now resulted in completion of more than 200 projects in 7 years and the remaining projects are in various stages of development and implementation.
What is the vision around port connectivity with freight corridors and linking inland waterways?
Currently in India there are 12 major ports and more than 200 non-major ports. The functional ports need to be connected by road, rail and coastal routes. The vision is on developing a ‘National Master Plan’ for connectivity where ports are connected through multi-modal ways. A consignment moving from Delhi to Chennai moving only by Rail or road need to replaced by say moving from Delhi to Kandla by Road or Rail and moving through coastal routes to Chennai. This movement requires seamless connectivity vide multiple modes which necessitates the need for creating logistic parks, ICDs etc and in some consumption centers in gangetic belt it involves development of the inland water-ways. The Arth Ganga project is a case in point where consumption centers of the region will be linked through water ways.
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