Demand for Gefran products in the construction machinery sector has grown steadily in recent years.

Demand for Gefran products in the construction machinery sector has grown steadily in recent years.

Kalpesh Desai, Managing Director, Gefran India


What are the current technology trends for your products in infrastructure equipment?

Gefran offers a wide range of sensors and systems for off-road construction infrastructure, designed to improve safety, efficiency and productivity. The company is constantly developing new technologies and innovative products to meet the sector’s increasingly complex requirements: sensors that provide more information than the mere data required or multi-variable sensors, i.e. remotely programmable transducers with several sensors on board, or customised for specific use on customer’s vehicle are the current technological trends

For example, the RK5 Magnetostrictive Position Sensors are highly accurate and reliable sensors that guarantee precise control of multi-axle vehicles, even in harsh environmental conditions. Their magnetostrictive technology makes them resistant to shock, vibration and external magnetic fields, always ensuring flawless operation.

Moreover, GIG inclinometers with redundant output provide constant control of vehicle stability, preventing overturning and ensuring operator safety. The redundant output provides an additional level of safety, ensuring that the system continues to operate even by component failure.

Finally, SIL2 - Pld certified KM pressure sensor meet the most stringent safety standards for critical applications. They are used to control the hydraulic circuit of vehicles, ensuring safe and reliable operation.

How do your products help in extending the life of construction equipment?

Gefran sensor products, connected via CAN Open or CAN SAE J1939, extend the life of construction equipment in several ways:

Intrinsic safety of the CAN bus: The CAN bus offers intrinsic safety with its robustness and redundant architecture. Gefran sensors are less prone to faults and interference, ensuring reliable and safe machine operation.

Acyclic information for predictive maintenance: Gefran sensors provides real-time data, and also acyclic information such as hours of actual use, temperature peaks, pressure peaks, real time accelerations and maximum accelerations. Predictive maintenance can then be implemented, identifying any problems in advance and scheduling maintenance work before serious failures occur.

Identification of inconsistent use: acyclic information allows to identify whether the vehicle’s use was consistent with manufacturer’s specifications. It is possible to monitor whether the vehicle has been subjected to excessive loads or violent shocks, or if it was used in unsuitable environmental conditions. This information can be used to train operators and to improve machine use procedures, helping to reduce wear and tear, prolonging the machine’s life.

Maintenance scheduling: acyclic information can be used to schedule maintenance work more efficiently. Worn components can be scheduled for replacement after a certain number of operating hours or based on recorded temperature and pressure peaks. This reduces time and optimises maintenance resources.

How do your products contribute to reducing the environmental impact of construction equipment?

Gefran sensor products help reducing environmental impact in the following ways:

Optimizing energy consumption: Our sensors allow precise monitoring of machine performances, allowing inefficiencies to be identified and energy consumption to be optimized. Thanks to our pressure and temperature sensors, hydraulic flows can be precisely adjusted, reducing energy losses and increasing overall machine efficiency.

Extending machine life: By continuously monitoring operating conditions, our sensors allow early detection of faults or abnormal wear and tear on components, enabling preventive maintenance to be planned and machine life to be extended. This reduces the need to produce new machines and dispose of obsolete ones, helping to reduce the environmental impact of production and disposal.

Smarter machine development: Our sensors underpin the development of increasingly intelligent and connected machines, capable of adapting in real time to operating conditions and optimizing their performance. This minimizes material and energy waste, helping to make construction machinery more sustainable.

Supporting emerging technologies: Gefran is committed to developing solutions to support emerging technologies in the construction industry, like the electrification of machines and the use of recycled materials. Our sensors can be integrated into these new systems to ensure their proper functioning and to monitor their performance.

How is the demand for your products growing in the CE Construction Equipment sector?

Demand for Gefran products in the construction machinery sector has grown steadily in recent years, thanks to:

Post-pandemic recovery: The Covid pandemic initially slowed down the industry, but the subsequent response of governments with investments in new infrastructure led to an increased demand for construction equipment. In this scenario, Gefran stood out as a reliable supplier, able to guarantee 4-week deliveries even during the component shortage period, thanks to its production subsidiaries in the US, Europe and Asia.

Reliability and quality: Gefran products are known for their reliability, quality and compliance with the latest certifications. Being an ideal choice for manufacturers looking for durable, high-performance solutions.

Wide range of products: Gefran offers a wide range of products for the construction machinery sector, including position sensors, inclinometers, pressure probes and monitoring systems. This allows manufacturers to find the
perfect solution for their specific needs.

Customer proximity: Gefran is committed to providing excellent customer service, with a network of distributors and partners worldwide. This always guarantees manufacturers quick and competent support.

Despite the slowdown in the construction industry this year, Gefran is confident in its growth thanks to its proven expertise, wide product range and commitment to quality and innovation.

How important is collaboration with other industry stakeholders (e.g., equipment manufacturers, regulatory bodies) in promoting sustainability?

In the building infrastructure sector, collaboration between various actors is crucial to promote sustainability. Gefran is aware of this and actively collaborates with various stakeholders:

Vehicle manufacturers: Direct collaboration with vehicle manufacturers allows Gefran to integrate its sensors and monitoring systems from the earliest stages of machine design. This guarantees perfect compatibility and optimization of performance, helping to reduce energy consumption and emissions.

Sector associations: participation in round tables and conventions organized by fluid dynamics associations VDMA or such as IPAF on safety on construction sites allows Gefran to meet with vehicle manufacturers, regulatory bodies and other key players in the sector. This exchange of ideas and knowledge is fundamental for defining standards that promote sustainability throughout the production chain.

Universities: European universities are valuable partners for new products development and more sustainable measurement technologies. Through joint research, Gefran can explore new frontiers and provide innovative solutions that reduce the environmental impact of construction machinery.