Apollo to initiate BATI in HDD unit.
Apollo will replace mechanical engines, manual control systems into electronic engines and joy-stick control in all machines in the near future. Safar Mohammad Khan, Deputy General Manager – HDD, Apollo Techno Industries Pvt. Ltd. Most

Safar Mohammad Khan,
Apollo will replace mechanical engines, manual control systems into electronic engines and joy-stick control in all machines in the near future.
Most of the OEMs’ businesses are being refocused as delivering products-as-a-service; and sensor-equipped, IoT-connected products are expected to be the norm. What is the impact of this shift in philosophy in the manufacturing process and design of products in your company?
We are putting our efforts to adopt all the technological innovations in HDD ‘A Series’ specially ‘R Series’ for the Indian and International market as well. Rigs, equipped with recent technologies will make it good looking, best available safety features, quick, fast, reliable, productive and easy in operations well-controlled from the operator seat. In near future, machines will be equipped with modern innovations like sensor controlled by programme (software). Sensor will diagnose the problems and same will be rectified from the service centre or from the production unit, in case, any problems persist. We are working on embedded systems especially in engines and joy-stick controls even to hydraulics also – a combination of a processor, a computer memory and input/output peripheral devices which enable a dedicated function within a large mechanical or electrical systems controlled by sensors. We are in position to replace mechanical engines, manual control systems into electronic engines and joy-stick control in all machines in near future. We will be implementing internet controlled machines (IoT) by mid of 21-22 in all our models. We have already initiated working on software as service (SAS). With the advent of the IoT product as a service has increased interest to all OEM that will boost the profitability of the product, improve customer engagement and launch new line of business. Broader adoption of product as a service has been enabled by IoT, sensor technology, data analytics, personal mobile devices.
Apollo will initiate BATI (Best Available Technological Innovations) in HDD unit to make us more productive. At Apollo, we realize that technology is only one part of solution and the key factor lies in the ability to successfully implement the technology and drive change management with our vendors and within the organization.
We favour the technology upgradations, so have a keen interest to make work all under one common norms wherein all the modern tools (product as a service, Sensor, IoT) should be well implemented and executed by us as on OEM. Our partner Ashok Leyland is already working on same with us on the norms for our HDD unit specially. We will get high productivity, lesser time to resolve the problems (troubleshooting) and on-site problem resolution. IoT can help tag all the equipment at a construction site and gives them a unique digital ID. This, in turn, helps locate them quickly with the help of software and mobile applications, which increases accountability and quick resolutions and faster work. Connecting sites, enhancing safety, reducing accidents and improving working processes are all benefiting from the advance digital tools. All these technological innovations will make huge impact into our business with increased productivity. We have been in technological adoption which will make great shift and the revolution in our HDD /construction equipments manufacturing.
How have you been able to leverage the benefits of flexible, scalable technology, a key accelerator and enabler to selling products-as-a-service? What are the challenges here?
We are in position to adopt all the scientific tools and the practices in our HDD manufacturing unit. E-engine (Electronic Engine) has already been replaced in our Maxi Rigs (>50 Ton) controlled by sensors and advance processors (AI) with the help of Internet control (IoT) that would be modern advancement and scalable technology which will boost up the new business development in Indian and International market. IoT devices, sensors are collecting job site data in more affordable, efficient and effective way than traditional method/old technologies. Smart sensors programme with artificial intelligence help manage asset and prevent failure. Central command centre via IoT cloud and optimizing performances are the outcomes of scalable technology. Adoption of flexible modern technology can make everything quick, reliable, accurate, cheaper and enable us to give immediate solution in all our recently developed equipments. Being an OEM (HDD), we still need to be applied in all our machines which will be controlled by internet in near future. That will be implemented by mid of 2021-2022 with upgraded joy stick controls systems in all our HDD mini to maxi rigs. There are certain challenges in front of us like working and performance validation of e-engine (CEV-BS4) with all the safety and emission norms controlled by software/programmes that will be monitored online for any kind of troubleshooting during the breakdown and improper functioning. Another challenge is that tools and software are not often compatible (insufficient testing and updating), needing upgraded softwares to run it all. There is a challenge of security, privacy (data security and privacy concerns), reliability, fragmentation and others.
Could you brief us on some areas where you have been able to leverage technologies like 3D printing, AI and AR in your production processes?
We use 3D printing to design new models of HDD machines as we are continuously developing and designing some more rigs upto 500 ton in near future. Same has been applied for the design of drill pipes and other HDD equipments like rock cutting tools. This makes all our job easier, faster and more accurate. Our manufacturing unit has been undergoing through a radical transformation beginning from the shop floor to the finished product even upto the remote site where machine has been deployed for working. We are trying to make everything on the IoT and other technological advancement which will happen shortly in all our manufacturing capability.
These all maximises quality, reducing downtime, predict failures, and enhance the safety and productivity. Recently, we have resolved the ECU problems faced in one of our HDD rig (A1000) rectified and resolved with the help of software and scan tool from our service station (Ahmedabad) to Bhopal site. Augumented reality has been used by us for the design and shape of our mandali new HDD plant. (Plant – 2) where digital planning data was overlaid on the computer screen and planned accordingly in a scientific manner. We have excellent manufacturing factory equipped with all the in-house facilities. We are thinking to prepare a visual presentation of some advance upcoming equipments which will be further enhancement in our product lines in near future. AR gives us the idea of more planning, realibility and reduction in time and cost.
What has been the impact of the digital platforms in your manufacturing set up and also in the products?
Apollo is very old in manufacturing the road construction equipments like mechanical pavers, transit mixers, hot-mix plant, batching plants etc. We have started manufacturing the HDD since 2014 at our plant – 1, Mehsana. We are in planning to make plant -2 / HDD Unit / Mandali fully digital with all the modern tools and technological advancements. Plamsa cutting machines are well operated by intelligent software, Bought some Robotic machines which are controlling some general production process. We are constantly working on smarter, faster and more reliable solutions. Some recent developments have been taken place on the poly-epoxy powder coating digital machines, automation systems have been practiced with proper Critical path method(CPM) for scheduling a set of production and project activities. Facility of digital advancement makes us unique, up-to-date, fast, reliable and able to provide the quality equipments on time with excellent after sales support. We have replaced mechanical engines into electronic engines controlled by certain programmes (IoT) and machine operation control systems from manual to joy stick. That’s makes us unique for Indian and International market as well. Digital adoption controlled by internet has been our primarily motive to make things better for the equipments and well as the for the services. This all makes fast, reliable, reducing project cost, and is a key ingredient in driving site productivity and ensuring construction companies (contractors) have access to real time data that can improve asset performance, decrease downtime, and unleash predictive maintenance.
What do you think the major challenges in the transformation of the manufacturing processes with the help advanced and more sophisticated systems? How do you address these challenges?
High speed internet, upgraded software systems (application software), programme based tools on good platform (cloud networks), data security, high quality modules, smart devices, sensor layers are major requirements in near future for the transformation in the manufacturing industry. High quality hardware devices (nanotechnology, ultra low power circuits), sensors (bio-chemical smart sensors, more sensors, low power sensors, wireless sensor network for sensor connectivity) communication technology (one chip antennas, wide spectrum and spectrum aware protocols, unified protocol over wide spectrum, multi-functional reconfigurable chips) and network technology (self aware and self organizing networks, self-learning, self-repairing networks, IPv6 enabled scalability), software and algorithms (goal oriented software, distributed intelligence, user oriented software), data and signal processing technology (IoT complex data analysis, cognitive processing), discovery and search engine Technologies (automatic route tagging and identification management centres), security and privacy (user centric context-aware) are required to make ideal transformation in the equipment manufacturing. More sophisticated systems need to be developed for the transformation in the manufacturing industry of technological innovations. The development of enabling technologies such as semi-conductors electronics, communications sensors, smart phones, embedded systems, cloud networks, network virtualization, and software will be essential to allow physical devices to operate in changing environment and to be connected all the time everywhere. We are approaching the specialist to tackle all technological challenges. They will provide, install with proper training and trouble shootings.
Is there any deep impact due to the pandemic on the manufacturing / supply chain / marketing and servicing the customers? How have you geared up to address the challenges in the new normal?
Ongoing lockdown due to Covid-19 has put lot of strain on the equipment manufacturing industry. The life threatening effects of novel corona virus have dramatically affected the business and economies. Shutdown of construction activities has led to an increase in unemployment among huge masses. Not only the industry but millions of migrant and daily wages workers are affected by this pandemic. Suspended investments has affected the cash flows. The shutdown of the manufacturing processes and supply chain disruptions. The OEM have been ordered to shut down the processes due to social distancing measures. In addition, the supply chain disruptions have led to the shortage of parts and components (raw materials).The decrease in demand and poor financial support from the banks (machine finance) has affected the equipment manufacturers in terms of revenue. All machines were idle and whenever customers tried to run the machine in the midst of Covid-19, we faced lot of challenges in deploying our service engineers on the site in case of breakdown.
We tried to make things manageable specially alternative vendor development for resourcing the critical parts and components in India and overseas. Approached banks for increasing banks CC limit and manage man power in shifts with full security and tried to cope up with this miserable condition.
How environmentally sustainable is your manufacturing processes and facilities? Brief us on the ongoing / on the pipeline initiatives to make your manufacturing more sustainable?
At Apollo, we wanted to do our bit to minimise our impact on the environment. We have taken numerous steps to make sure that our manufacturing process is eco friendly as possible. We have constructed Plant-2 with modern infrastructure with well ventilation and machine positioning and systematic allocations of the manufacturing processes (cutting, fabrication, engine assembly, testing floor, commissioning, sand blast, poly-epoxy coating, loading etc). We are doing lot of manufacturing practices that minimises waste and reduces the environmental impact. We are planning certain sustainable manufacturing approaches and developing new green processes. We are planning to procure some solar powers in the factory for the street light even in the factory premise even we may plan solar panels also for promoting sustainability at our plant-2 which is equipped with all possible in-house facilities.
What is your outlook on the futures trends in this space that make India a globally competitive manufacturing hub and what will be your contributory role?
The government is actively engaged in promoting future manufacturing hub. India is taking big strides in the right direction and positioning itself as a global manufacturing hub of choice. India could be the choicest manufacturing hub but there are several reasons why India lags in the manufacturing sector. China has outperformed India, especially in areas critical to boosting manufacturing output such as starting new businesses, access to the electricity, registering property and the performance in the enforcing contracts. India needs to access performance –oriented approach to ensure that the industry stays productive and highly competitive. In India, we have weak legal and regulatory systems. India also continues to see the lack of investment in connectivity and in both physical and digital infrastructure development. This includes roads, highways, ports, and electricity generations. India is still dependent on the china and other countries for specific critical components. So, India’s journey as a manufacturing hub is challenging. The series of policy reforms and notable improvements are required. India also needs to liberalise its education sector and investment in the international education. Commercial law, labour and land reforms, commercial law approval process and regulations are required to make India as a hub. We can approach for further reforms in SME sector which should incentivized to become internationally competitive and export driven. Both state and the central government must coordinate and introduce incentives that will draw FDI at regional levels.
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