Tag: Mumbai Metro

Plant & Equipment
Terratec is a leader in designing TBMs capable of handling sharp curves along the alignment.

Terratec is a leader in designing TBMs capable of handl...

Site Report
Traction in the Metro Rail Infrastructure development will provide opportunity for construction companies & equipment manufacturers

Traction in the Metro Rail Infrastructure development w...

India has witnessed significant traction in the metro rail infrastructure develo...

Site Report
Traction in the Metro Rail Infrastructure development will provide opportunity for construction companies & equipment manufacturers

Traction in the Metro Rail Infrastructure development w...

India has witnessed significant traction in the metro rail infrastructure develo...

Site Report
Traction in the Metro Rail Infrastructure development will provide opportunity for construction companies & equipment manufacturers

Traction in the Metro Rail Infrastructure development w...

India has witnessed significant traction in the metro rail infrastructure develo...

Site Report
Traction in the Metro Rail Infrastructure development will provide opportunity for construction companies & equipment manufacturers

Traction in the Metro Rail Infrastructure development w...

India has witnessed significant traction in the metro rail infrastructure develo...

Editor's choice
Terratec has developed TBMs that can accommodate very tight curves, 43.7m-radius on a 2% up-grade trajectory

Terratec has developed TBMs that can accommodate very t...

Terratec is a world-renowned manufacturer for Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs), Rai...

Editor's choice
Terratec has developed TBMs that can accommodate very tight curves, 43.7m-radius on a 2% up-grade trajectory

Terratec has developed TBMs that can accommodate very t...

Terratec is a world-renowned manufacturer for Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs), Rai...

Editor's choice


An increase in infrastructure in the railway, metros and road highways has been ...

Editor's choice


An increase in infrastructure in the railway, metros and road highways has been ...