Raj Petro has always been a trendsetter and commands the first movers’ advantage in many product verticals.
Viren Nanavati Senior Director, Sales, Raj Petro Specialities How do you rate your company’s journey so far and what do you think are the major factors contributing to your success saga in the

– Viren Nanavati
Senior Director, Sales, Raj Petro Specialities
How do you rate your company’s journey so far and what do you think are the major factors contributing to your success saga in the industry?
As the saying goes – A thousand miles begins with the first step, and this is so incredibly true in Raj Petro’s journey. A step that was taken in the early 70’s when the company got into the manufacturing of Transformer Oils at its Chennai facility. Since then, there was no looking back.
Yes, Raj had its modest beginning in the early 40’s, in the trading segment. An eight-decade journey, where new milestone creation has been the only constant. One of the major contributors of success has been the willingness to change with times. Team building took center stage, as company grew. This was backed and ably supported by the right infrastructure, that propelled growth. R&D has been the backbone and bedrock of success at Raj Petro. Our investments made in Technology, testing equipment and the certifications attained from various customers / quality audits, is a testimony of its commitment to service excellence. Being transparent, servicing customers – be it big or small, adapting to the fast-growing needs of the customers, has been key to the company’s success. In essence, the DNA of Raj has the right people, right product and right process!
What has been the shift in buying patterns from the end-user segment?
Competition is only getting fierce with each passing day. This is healthy no doubt as it drives growth. A lot of emphasis on working capital and thereby inventory management has taken precedence in today’s day and age. Suppliers are expected to move closer to the customer’s premise. Better value sale propositions like – bulk storage tank installation, pay on consumption basis, just in time delivery, lube condition monitoring to name a few is the pattern followed and Raj Petro has been one of the front runners on this front. Being a comprehensive supplier of industrial and automotive lubes including greases, makes Raj a preferred choice!
Tell us about the technological trends in your range of products?
What comes to my mind is that Raj Petro has always been a trendsetter and commands the first movers’ advantage in many product verticals – be it on the rubber processing front (with its green oil or low polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon offerings and anti-ozonantwaxes). In a short span of time, Raj today is the largest supplier of Antiozonant waxes in India, catering to several discerning users. This is an import substitute, and the entry barriers are many for starters.
What differentiates your company from other competitive players in the industry?
What differentiates Raj from others:
- a) Risk mitigation – Our plants located at Silvassa and Chennai helps mitigate any risks whatsoever. Supplies are always uninterrupted. Strategically this also helps us cover the length and breadth of the country more effectively. Something our peers cannot offer.
- b) Diversity – range of products that Raj manufactures is comprehensive. One stop shopfor all customer needs.
- c) Economies of Scale – Being one of the largest importers of base oils in the country, with in- house and port storage sites at Chennai, Mumbai, Kandla, Hazira and Silvassa, gives Raj an edge over its peers.
- d) Port Terminal at Chennai – Fully owned and operated port terminal inside the Chennai Port
- e) Fully integrated in house grease manufacturing facility.
- f) DSIR recognition – This certification from the Department of Science & Industrial Research, Raj probably is the only one in the private sector to possess.
Which Raj Petro products caters to the Construction equipment segment?
Among Raj Petro’s wide range of brand portfolio, Kyros, Onwo and Zoomol make up the core of the service and value offerings. The flagship products by our aforesaid brands include – Greases, Hydraulic Oils, Engine Oils, Axle, Transmission and Gear Oils. All these products are formulated after rigorous R&D with the highest quality raw material while adhering to all the global industry and environmental norms. Catering to global specifications and grades abiding the industry requirements, our product delivers a wide range of variety in the application. So, whether you’re looking for Greases with the highest degree of heat-resistance capability, a Hydraulic Oil of a higher viscosities or a Transmission Oil complying with OEM specifications ensuring superior performance – we provide them all.
Our products catering to the construction and mining segment are:
Kyros, premium quality hydraulic fluids and industrial gearbox oils with high viscosity index for optimum lubrication. They can withstand high temperatures and have properties like low evaporation, anti-wear, anti-rust and oxidation, with biodegradable features as well.
Onwo with versatile fluid technology delivers high-temperature resistant greases and synthetic industrial oils. They have low friction characteristics as well as complex operating characteristics to endure contamination and behave inertly.
Zoomol, Future Ready Engine Oils, Axle, Transmission and Gear Oils and Greases are formulated with extreme pressure (EP) additives and anti-wear additives to ensure superior performance. They display excellent thermal and shear stability, unique adhesion/tacky property, anti-corrosion, anti-oxidative and anti-wear benefits as well.
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